Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2013 Provo Halloween Half Marathon

Hello again Greensole Runners!

Here are some pics from the Provo Halloween Half Marathon this Year! Enjoy!

Come out and join us for the SLC Utah Santa run!

The bus ride up... already light out. 9am start times!
Backside view of Mt. Timp. Gorgeous! 
Getting Ready to race. It was a bit chilly.

The Starting Line!
The line to the start.

Runners take your mark!


Nice wavy up down, side to side start.
We get to run through a tunnel.

On the river trail

Over the bridge and into Provo.

The Finish area

It got a little more busy as time went on.
Me looking super green for the race. Go GSR!

My race results... 1:28 in my green oscar hat! So proud!

It took us way to long to our drop bags... but eventually it got done.

Ahhh driving home back to the inversion of SLC

What a fun race! Hope to keep running it as long as I can. Every year it gets a little better!

Lace up you guys! I'll see you on the track!


Friday, October 18, 2013

ST George Marathon 2013

Hello GSR,

Welcome to another race picture addition of Greensole Running! Today I am finally getting around to posting up the pictures from our STG Marathon. 

What a perfect race it was! For those of you that did not hear I PRed and BQed! 

I would like to extend a special thank you to my family, friends, and training buddies for helping accomplish my goals! You guys all rock!

Everyone get out there and enjoy the perfect running weather time of year!

Till next time,
3am and in the car! Got to love race day mornings!
So early... So Cold

Emily on the Bus to the start!

My sis and I super excited that our running christmas is finally here!

Erik looking suave as per usual

Enjoying the wait at the start... pre race party!

Much like a lizard Monica is cold blooded and can not produce adequate body heat

So we make FIRE!

More bus pictures!
So cold at the start! The fires were amazing. This is our GSR group this year!

Everyone together at the end! Monica and her always amazing post race smile.

Linda and Em's view of the course

Go Linda!

Emily Rocks!

Friday, October 4, 2013

St George Marathon Tomorrow!

Our favorite race is tomorrow the St. George Marathon!

This is truly like Christmas for my runner family and me. Hope to see you guys all up on the busses up to the start line tomorrow art 4:00am.


Good luck GSR!
