Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Muddy Buddy Chicago!

Hey GSR!

Just got back from an awesome weekend running races in the mid-west. A race-cation if you will. It was my first trip out to Chicago and we made it count! What a weekend!

I ran 2 races with my sis, the Chicago Muddy Buddy and the Chicago Rock 'n' Roll half marathon! I have some pics from both but first we'll run through the muddy buddy.

So... this little race took place in the middle of nowhere... aka just outside of Chicago somewhere in the Illinois farm country.

We had to wake-up super early and hit the road to drive from Milwaukee to get here in time, but it was all worth it! If you have never done a obstacle course/ mud run I highly recommend them! They are an absolute blast! Especially with a team of buddies!

This run was about 4.5 miles and you had to run the entire race with a buddy! no solo runners! many of the obstacles required 2 people to compete! It was a blast to work together and conquer the challenges of the course!

Unfortunately we only have pics from the beginning and end... still enjoy and find a run like this near you and give it a shot! This definitely will not be my last!

Special thanks to Michael Stevens for taking most of these photos!

Sure... we had to wake up at 4am... but now we get to run through the mud!

The Finish line... This is our goal!

Brother love!

She is ready to get her race on!

Naturally we have to take a picture with the frogs.

Cindy lou who?

Lining up!

At the starting line

Getting ready!


Almost done... just a few more ropes to climb

Rounding the final bend

Up more ropes!

Over the wall


Butt Slide!

Through the MUD!
Swim! Swim! Swim!

Up and out!

Bringing it home!

First place overall in the Coed Division!

Our Chicago Race-cation friends Michael Stevens (left) and Ben Morey (right)

After this we were off to Chicago for some pizza, sightseeing, and of course the Rock 'n' roll half-marathon! Picture of this to follow soon!

In the mean time... find a mud run, spartan race, tough mudder or something crazy and register for it with your friends and have a blast! You will not regret it!

Also I am still putting together our fall race schedule so let me know what your are running/ what you want to run!

Just Start,


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