Monday, January 28, 2013

St George Half Marathon

Hello again everyone,

Welcome back to Greensole Running in the new 2013!

This post is long overdue!

I am currently extremely swamped with school, work, sickness ect. So please forgive me.

First I would like to mention what a great time we had at the STG Half-Marathon a little over a week ago. We learned a lot at the round table and had a blast running the race. I will throw some pictures down below.

I also want to say that we have begun planning our very first Greensole Running sponsored Event! We are still in the early stages but more on this to come soon. Needless to say it is going to be a blast and we have some great Ideas.

Also... due to lack of time mostly on my part I have not put together a good list of races we will be at this year. I am in the process of doing this but if there are any races you want to run let me know about it! I pose it to you guys! What should we run this year?

Ok back to the STG HALF

What a great race, as you can see for yourself in the pictures below

On our way to the course what a great day for running! How I LOVE Southern Utah! Fantastic weather! (contrasted by the white plains on the drive back to SLC)

The lovely photographer and Board Member Linda Thomas who documented this day so well.

Here are some pics of our new clothing line (well soon to be line) :-)

And what race wouldn't be complete without batman! (haha loved it)

Prepping for the race at the starting line...

And we're off! Some great shots of the race will now follow...

Yep Like My new Socks! Go Green or Go Home!

About here I realized what my holiday break did to me! OUCH! I should of kept up on my running better!

But soon it was over that the gratification you get for finishing a race swept over me. Maybe 13.1 was a bit much to start off this year... But I had a blast running with everyone!

Hopefully we can get organized in 2013 and can find another race to run together soon!

Until then,

Geoff @ GSR