Monday, November 19, 2012

The Mondays!

Hello GSR,

I hope everyone's Monday is just joyfully jogging along. I know thus far, mine's been fantastic!

(Well, with the exception of it is monday, and I would rather be heading home for Thanksgiving...ugh grad school)

Check this out!

What is this you ask? It is my FAV running route...DEVOID OF SNOW! Joy to the world, peace on earth, and good will towards men! I can now run outside again sans frozen toes!

I guess we have a little more warm weather left up here in northern Utah after all!

It literally made my day! So much so that I am now telling you ;-)

Anywho, after running comes school, and that was not without its own events...

Just a little insight into where I spend my days and nights AKA my lab bench

Like joining the One Love Ski/Snowboard Club and getting my ski pass to Canyons!

Look at all the SWAG! Also taken in my lab... this time on my desk

So, if any of you are ski/snowboarders, hit me up, and let's shred the slopes together! (... is that the correct lingo? I'm still pretty new at this :-)

I think it should make a good cross-training activity in winter. So I would encourage everyone to join in on the fun!

OK, finally I have have to show you this... not because it is related to running in anyway. Well, I did find it while running. But look, it's a tractor pulling a leaf-picker-upper.... OK, that sounds less cool than it did in my head. I am completely fascinated by this and I don't know why.

Maybe the straight line it leaves. (Hehe, punny)

Hope you're all having just as good of a day as I am!

I will leave you with this... a little music to brighten your day! They are playing in SLC tonight so if you want to "hang out", buy some tickets and come find me! You know what I look like, but I don't know you, so make sure you say hi!

So lace up, and run because you can.


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