Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hey GSR!

How about those race pictures? Nice right? Maybe I'll just drop out of grad school and become a photographer.

Today was a rest day. (*tear* See video below about how I feel.) Therefore there are no new runs to talk about, but I will talk about some other stuff... like food. Food is my favorite.

So as my brother (roommate) and I prepare to head home this week for Thanksgiving...

(And see my awesome sistas! *takes a 30 second dance break* )

...we realized that we were running (no pun intended) out of food in the house. We deemed this acceptable as we didn't want to go buy a whole bunch of new food only to see it go bad while we're out of town.

So the "no buy new food" man contract of November 2012 began...

...Only to be rapidly rescinded when we realized that one of these "foods" we were running out of was diet Pepsi. (aka lifeblood / oxygen / running fuel)

After a quick trip to my favorite store...Costco (and only a $30 trip... I deserve a medal for that) we were all set.

Figuring that the man contract had already been voided... I saw no harm in endulging in a little weekly tradition know as SUSHI SUNDAYS!

What is SUSHI SUNDAYS!, you ask? Well, it's where every Sunday, we go out and get sushi. ;-)

Sushi is basically running food, right?

It has become an awesome tradition, and I highly recommend it to all of you! So today I will leave you with another one of my amazing photographs and say...

Lace up and run because you can!


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