Sunday, November 4, 2012

Run in the Park 5k Race Recap

Hello from Houstonia! (Or Houston, to those who would prefer the actual term as opposed to my personal favorite, the backformation from the demonym Houstonian.)

As a part of the diaspora from Utah, I miss out on a lot of fun races GSR puts together, but that doesn't mean I can't run a few races as GSR-Houston! As the inaugural GSRH race, I chose a 5k at Hermann Park, and it was a blast.

It started near the beautiful reflection pond in Hermann Park.

I got there early, so I was able to catch quite a bit of wildlife for a big city, including two swift-swimming turtles, a gaggle of geese flying south for the winter, and some proud and vocal ducks.

When it was bright out, the race began with an electric guitar rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. The race itself was very beautiful and wound around the golf course and the Japanese Garden. I wasn't able to snag any photos while running, so I guess you'll have to take my word for it or come down to Hermann Park to see for yourself!

Also, there was an awesome cheering section complete with little kids looking for high fives (my favorite) and high school cheerleaders. The kids also had their own 1k race directly after the 5k. 

Afterward, the post-race festivities included fresh fruit, bagels, tacos, massages, and the live band who provided some rock n' roll patriotism pre-race. 

Despite my running buddy sleeping in due to a stressful week, I did not feel alone with such a great and welcoming running community, which is what Green Sole Running is about. 

I had a great time. 

And supported a great cause! Run in the Park supports Hermann Park Conservancy, which works to keep Hermann Park as beautiful as it is.  

If you are in Houston next year, I highly recommend you try a Run in the Park!


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