Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here We Go!

Ollo, GSR.

(Props to anyone who picked up on the Megamind reference)

Today, I promise a little running, art, music and, of course, my commentary on all three! ;-)

First up, THE RUNNING.

So, in case you have not noticed yet, this Saturday we have an unprecedented TWO events in one day!

Yes that is correct!

What a way to kick off December! Come out and party holiday style with us!

Starting in the morning at 9:00AM, we will be at the SLC Jingle Bell Run @ Trolley square! Rise and shine early with us, and come help raise money to fight arthritis!

Plus you get to run with Jingle bells... eh? Pretty awesome, right?

Well, come run with us, and you will see! Plus, you run around the charming Liberty Park and Trolley Square. 

Any way you cut it... this is not one you want to miss!

Speaking of races you won't want to miss....

We will be running the Utah Santa Run in Provo Utah later that day at 4:00PM. 

Yep, I will personally be running two races in one day! Why you ask? Because it's the holidays, and they are both that cool (no pun intended). 

In this race, everyone will be dressed as Santa! (Suit is included in entry fee.) And it just wouldn't be right if they didn't have milk and cookie aid stations as well!

Excuse me while I have a holiday joy overload !!!!

So whether you're in SLC or Provo, lace up this Saturday and come run one or both with Greensole Running!

Now onto THE ART.

Well, as most of you probably don't know...the inner workings of Greensole Running are coming along nicely. We now officially have our very own corporate bank account and have entered into the process of filing for 501(c)3 charitable status with the IRS, a process that in all likelihood will take several months... nevertheless progress!

Anyways, the point of all this is that with bank accounts comes money... and with money comes SWAG!

We just ordered mock ups of some potential T-shirts and business cards for GSR!

What do you think of OUR ART?

Business Card Front
Business Card Back
T-shirt Front

T-shirt Back

Tech-T Front

Tech-T Back
Pretty nifty right?

Who knew runners could be so artistic? ;-)

Well, we will reserve judgement until we have them in hand but... WE ARE EXCITED!

Finally, we move onto THE MUSIC!

As some of you probably noticed, we have a new TUNES section on our website. We would love to hear from you! What are your favorite tunes to run to? Let us know, and we will throw them up on our site!

Also on that note, to those of you in the SLC area, Yellowcard and We Are the In Crowd (both bands found on my personal running playlist) will be playing Wednesday, Nov 28th (aka tomorrow) in SLC at The Complex!

So, if you feel like rocking out to some awesome "Beach Rock" music, grab some tix and come rock out with us! We will be there (unofficially, of course, as this is not a real running event), but still come hook up and meet some cool Greensole Runners.

Tickets are about $25 with the service charge and can be bought HERE

With that, I will leave you with a pic of my run today and a little Yellowcard to motivate some running tomorrow.

Devoid of snow... for the time being. Run Because You Can!

Looking forward to having fun with all you Greensole Runners this week,


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