Tuesday, November 20, 2012

G.O. H.A.R.D.

Good morning GSR,

This one is a special shout out to my awesome sister Emily. I know how much she loves hugging.

Today is a holiday....well sort of. It is the Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day! (or GO HARD) What is that, you ask? Well it's a global celebration of running and love and our support for each other. This is definitely in line with GSR ideals and we fully support this event!

In order to properly celebrate this day I would encourage all off us to get out today and get our hug on!

What's that? You're a little shy about offering runners hugs... well, lucky for us, we have a little bit of a training guide, thanks to our friends at RUN THE EDGE.

1.  Interval Hugging: Try both long and short intervals and don’t forget to change leads with your hugging partners so everybody gets a chance to set the pace.  We recommend starting with 10 X 40-second hugs with ample recovery.  More experienced huggers may want to cut down on the rest between hugs.
2.  Long Slow Hugs: This should be a staple of your training program.  Set aside time at least once a week to share a hug lasting several minutes.  Up to 20% of your weekly hugging time can be spent in this one hug.  Be sure to choose your LSH partners carefully because this kind of training might scare off newcomers.
3.  Speed Hugging: Don’t overdo this especially in the early months.  Speed training is important but can lead to injury if huggers try to do too much too soon.
4.  Hug Visualization: To be at your best you must prepare mentally.  In order to be ready for anything, make sure to visualize hugging runners of all sizes, genders, ages, and ethnicities.  Unlike in running, we do not recommend hug visualization (HV) while engaged in interval hugging, (IH) speed hugging, (SH) or Long Slow Hugging, (LSH).  Leave hug visualization to moments when you are alone.
5.  Cross Training: Running couples may want to engage in some “cross training” activities.  In fact some of the above workouts (especially the LSH) can lead to cross training.  While not necessary, these activities can add a little spice to the day to day grind.

Sounds like a good plan to me. We don't have much time, so get out there. Let's all share the love of running with some hugs today!

Have a terrific Tuesday,

Lace up and GO GIVE SOME HUGS!


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