Saturday, November 17, 2012

Freeze Your Cookies Off

Good Afternoon, Runners!

How about this awesome weekend?
For those of you that were out running this morning, WOOT! Way to brave the cold (and rain if you were in Provo).

So, as promised, here are some pictures from our most recent event, this morning's the Freeze Your Cookies Off 5k!

It was a cold but more or less clear morning today. Perfect conditions for a quick hop down to American Fork and a nice brisk run!

Once down there, we speeded through checking and had a little time to kill. One of the few benefits of getting down there so early. So, we went through all of our race goodies and took a few picture with the race setting up in the background.

Pretty cool, right? One more just for good measure. 

After our brief exploration of American Fork and some snooping around the post race buffet tent, we soon began to line up for the race, which, as it turned out, was bigger than I thought, but still a cozy size. It was nice; the race had a very hometown feel to it.

Ready, Set, Run....quickly before you freeze! 

Seen below is a photo taken by me with the race leaders. *pats self on back* I got used to this view pretty quick. The mountains are gorgeous with just a touch of snow. This race was a fun way to reminisce about how I miss living in a neighborhood. Don't get me wrong, I love SLC and the University of Utah area, but I have to say I miss walking out my door and having a prefect running locale devoid of traffic for a little run.

The race started uphill and ended downhill around a park, which was great for two reasons: 1) It was downhill when we were tired at the end. 2) It had a nice long finishing stretch where you could see the finish line and race towards it. I find this final stretch view to be very motivating.... especially when there is a big cookie sign at the end ;-) 

I have to wonder if this was sent to the printer with a order that said *Big Cookie* above with FINISH below. And instead of getting a picture of a big cookie they got this

After our quick running adventure of 3.1 miles, we quickly proceeded to the most awesome thing about this race... The cookie and pie and hot chocolate buffet! It was awesome! Although I'll admit, after running my 3.1 miles, I didn't exactly feel like cookies right away.... but I got there! 

 And it was fantastic with a ton of selection! I like my cookies... Even in the cold and the light rain. It was a awesome way to kick off the morning and a fun little hometown race with a cool premise.

Hope to see you all at our next event, the Utah Santa RUN in provo on December 1st! 

Come run with us dressed up like Santa... with green soles ;-)


1 comment:

  1. Check out all of our new planed Events on our EVENTS page!
