Monday, October 29, 2012

Provo Halloween-Half Pictures!

Here they are, the Provo Halloween Half pics! 

What a fun race! It was so nice to talk with everyone and to actually meet a few Greensole Runners!

Anyway, I thought I would share these pictures I took, so everyone could see how awesome this race is and how awesome all of our events are!

Come out and have some fun with us!

So the day started off with waking up at 4:00am (Ugh! But awesome! Never is it easier to wake up so early as race days!)
All bundled up because it's cold
 We got dressed and hit the road for our trip from SLC to Provo, Utah.

4am traffic
Once we got to the Provo mall, we parked and boarded our bus to take us to the starting line! (No waiting this year for a bus. Way to be Provo Halloween Half for stepping up your game this year.)

This is the heated tent when we first got to the starting line.

Our green soles trying to stay warm in the tent. (It was cold)

My hat was stolen by my running partner who was even colder than I was.

After which, he proceeded to fall asleep on the ground. 

Meanwhile, the pre-race festivities (costume contest, etc.) heated up, and the population of Sundance at 6am was rapidly increasing!

So, we got up and decided to get ready!

Zombies! Not quite as professional as when Max did my makeup... but we worked with what we had. (In this case, two males with very little experience in the area)

Now, we left the warm tent to brave the cold and line up for the race! But the sun was out now, and here is our gorgeous starting line!

Our first green sole runner meet up!

And our second! 

Way to be, guys! Here are our shoes again next to the guy's crazy green shoes!

Absolutely beautiful start! What a race! Wish you all could have been there with us!

And we're off! The race starts... cold... in the snow... in the shade... and downhill! (Awesome start, but COLD!) It was also very slippery and gravely; it felt a little dangerous. No injuries that I know of though.

Once we got on the main road, we were able to speed up to a normal racing pace.

 I will say this: running downhill in the shade certainly inspires you to run a little quicker to try and get warm. Unfortunately, this did not help my poor fingers, which were cold until at least mile 4.

This was our first time checkpoint. Because we were in the first wave, we had to run at least 8 min/miles or we would have been cut off to wait for traffic to pass.

Now on the main road. Sunlight just teases to come out and warm us. Although, at this point, I'm feeling pretty warm. Just my hands beg for the sun.

The sun entering the canyon(!) as the first aid station pokes out around the corner.

Switching from road to trail!

Now we are fully in the sun... My hands are happy.... But, it starts to get a little hot maintaing a race pace. But I'm on track to finish sub 1:30, so I don't want to slow down.

Exiting Provo Canyon and heading toward the park where we will finish!

The trail was alongside the road until we finally turn up toward the park at mile 13!

The back side of the finish! (I couldn't bring my tired self to take a picture as I was finishing... Forgive me.)

Me and my pacing buddy Crazy Tom. We had a great race!

How did my makeup hold up? Well.... am I scary?

The near-empty finishers' area right after I finished

But it did not stay that way for long. What a party!

The Greensole Runners at the finish!

It was an awesome race! And we hope to see you all back out for our next events! 

Our next event in Utah is the Color Me Rad 5k in St George, Utah!

Come get blasted with color with us!


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