Saturday, October 20, 2012

Let's Gets Started! Run WARM

So we all went out and got our run on yesterday, right?


...and running for the best cause out there (supporting running and healthy lifestyles) and sporting those awesome green kicks makes it all that much better right?

Right now you're probably thinking what a great idea it was to follow this blog. Correct?

OK, well today we're going to talk about some running basics and a little about some upcoming events for Greensole Running.

For those of you just starting out, this should give you a few pointers to help improve you run, and for those of you ultra marathoners and Usain Bolt types.... think of it as a refresher course. After all, we all could use one of those from time to time.

So what are the basic rules of running?

Well, that's one of the best things about running: there are really no rules! How awesome, right? The following could be considered more of guidelines and pointers that others have found helpful and will help keep running fun!

So we have come up with 7 "guidelines", "rules", "suggestions", "ideas", "game plans", etc.

Call them what you want. 

And we are going to share them with you! One a day, so that you can try each one out!
(If you're like me, someone tells you a whole bunch of things to try and... What? I'm sorry, my time is valuable; I wasn't listening, if you catch my drift.)

So we break it down for you! Try each of these out everyday, once a day, as we break down running.

So here is number one....

The Greensole Running (insert your word for "RULE" here) 

1) Run WARM

No! No! No! not like that! 

What we mean is WARM UP BEFORE YOU RUN. This is really important for two reasons:

       a) To avoid injury. You would be surprised how helpful a few simple stretches such as these are!

       b) To actually start running! This one might seem a little less obvious but let me share a little personal insight with you. 

I am not a morning person!

(I mean really, rolling over is a chore, let alone getting my butt out of bed and going running!) 

So, I found a way to trick myself into running and becoming one of the so-called "morning people".

I tell myself I don't have to run today. I only need to get dressed and stretch. After all, I basically have to do that anyways. So I do. (Ugh, ok. I guess that's not so bad.)

But the after I'm all geared up, stretched, and in my shoes... I kinda feel like running. So, I tell my self one mile. 

Well, 1 mile can turn into 2...3...4 and more until I'm pushing myself for 7 miles and a new PR. 

It is an amazing phenomenon! 


It sounds weird and stupid... but it works. 

And strangely enough, not just for running.

So tomorrow, you don't have to run... Just lace up and stretch... the rest is up to you!


PS. We mentioned our events! Get out there and register for the PROVO HALLOWEEN HALF MARATHON. It is truly an awesome race and most everyone runs it in costume. One of the best running events for FUN you can do. 

Also last minute, we will be at the NIGHT OF THE RUNNING DEAD 5K benefiting Huntsman Cancer today! So, if you're registered to run it, keep an eye out for us! Or come join (registrations will be taken until 8pm) or support!

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