Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tale of Two Races

Good Morning, GSR.

Are we not off to a fantastic December already! Warm weather in the city, snow in the mountains... perfection all around.

Well, as most of you can probably tell by looking at our events, we are pretty much done with all of our events in 2012! (Baring any last minute additions.)

So thanks to any of you that came out and raced! We are looking to have an even bigger 2013! Which should kick off with the Resolution 5k/10k on January 5th!

Anyways, for those of you interested in a little recap of yesterday's TWO running events, keep reading!

Today, I will tell you the story of my run crazy Saturday.

So after waking up yesterday morning and feeling TERRIBLE... headache, sore throat, just generally not well... I did not feel like running at all. Yet it was supposed to be the big day, the day where I was going to run two races in one day.

After dragging myself out of bed, all I could thing was that I could not do it. I was too sick. So I went to my brother to see if he wanted to run in my stead. The answer was... no.

Now this is where my less then smart side kicks in. So The logical thing to do would be to just not run. Stay home. Rest. Feel better. However, being the money-conscious grad student that I am, I simply could not bring myself to this.

So I sat in my apartment,  40 mins till my first race of the day. What to do? I can't just waste the registration fee. So I talked myself into getting dressed, picking up my packet and seeing how I felt once I got there.

Popping some Tylenol, I set out for the first race of the day, the SLC Jingle Bell 5k.

Note how I am wearing the race shirt the day of the race... normally a running faux pas... but today I didn't care. I wanted to be Christmas themed 

So I picked up my race stuff... still did not feel great, but nevertheless we hung around and enjoyed the race atmosphere. It was quite the musical race as we all had jingle bells pinned to our shirts! Plus they had Christmas music blaring. It was just the right combo to put you in the mood for Christmas...and running.

Look at the cute little runners... If they can do it, anyone can!
So... we watched the start of the 1k kids fun run.

I am ready... I can do this

And when race time came I was feeling a little better... retrospectively probably the drugs kicking in... so, I decided to go ahead and run the 5k. After all, I don't have to run very fast, right?

I positioned myself toward the front of the pack to get a good picture of the starting line, in my mind having every intention of taking this run easy.

I am still loving this no snow December thing!

And so the race started...and I started in no hurry. Just thinking, "Take it easy." This lasted for the first mile or so... until I realized I was still passing people.

If this doesn't make you want to get out and run I dont know what will! 

And so... as I ran through the beautiful Liberty Park in the fall... I began to push myself.

And what do you know... I was able to keep right up there with the leaders.

Rounding the corner, finish line within sight, I found myself in 4th place, which is one of my best 5k finishing positions ever. (2nd best ever, actually.)

Post race tired Geoff

Finishing that fast was awesome! But, it certainly didn't make me feel any better... at least at first.

I have to thank my brother for this lovely shot of me

And well... I had to lay down for a bit. So the moral of the story is: running greatness can strike at anytime, so never shy away from a run. Also, if you're feeling sick, don't run! It does not help!

So it was a bittersweet victory. Overall though I had a great time. What a fun and festive run! Trolley Square and Liberty Park are gorgeous this time of year! 

However as festive as this race was... I think the Utah Santa Run takes the cake.

After a little lunch, friend gathering, and relaxing... I was actually feeling a lot better at this point...we packed up and headed to Provo for the second event of the day!

I feel like if I travel to a race, I have to take a picture to show you... even if it is just to Provo! 

And what a race this turned out to be! As you recall in the Utah Santa Run, every single runner is dressed as Santa! We all got suits with our registration! 

So after a little detour and scenic tour of Provo... compliments of apple maps.... we found our race locale and got "suited up".

Erik and Max by the car

I was digging the beard... at first

Don't Max and I just make stunning Santas? We may have just stumbled upon a part-time job opportunity ... we make Santa look good!

We're sexy and we know it

Point in case. At this point, if you weren't there, I am positive you're jealous.

But just in case you aren't yet, check out some of the other awesome things going on at the race... yep those are reindeer.


Anyways I could go on and on about the pre-race festivities, but let's just leave it at they were a lot of fun! Soon though, we were all lined up and doing our Santa stretches (Ho Ho Ho Jumping jacks included).

Taken by me right after the race started! Have you ever seen so many Santas?!?

And then with a bang, we were all off! Never had Provo seen so many Santas running around downtown!

Max's aerobatics... because what is a 5k without a little areal action?

Cookies!!! Nom Nom Nom!

And what a fun race this was! With hundreds of Santas running and jumping and eating cookies... oh OK, so maybe we were the only ones jumping... but the cookies were had by all! (Note: eating cookies while running is more difficult then you might think.)

The belt on my shirt makes it look like my pants a ridiculously high...  only the most fashionable for race day :-P

Anyways, we have a TON of picture from this race, so I'll cut ahead and skip to the good part...

Hand in Hand to bring it home

We are boss Santas

We finished! And even though we ran the entire race together, we did pretty dang good with MAX taking 17th overall in women's!

Group photo after the race... it was getting dark

Well, anyways, to sum things up, it was a awesome race and great way to kick off the holiday season (and get a little running in at the same time!)

Oh, and just to share a little insight into our post race dinner... none other than $1.50 hotdogs from Costco.  It's the simple things in life you treasure. :-) It actually was pretty good post race... plus it's Costco, so you really can't go wrong.

I'll leave you with a few pics of Greensoles we saw at the race!

Thanks to all you Greensole Runners out there!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here We Go!

Ollo, GSR.

(Props to anyone who picked up on the Megamind reference)

Today, I promise a little running, art, music and, of course, my commentary on all three! ;-)

First up, THE RUNNING.

So, in case you have not noticed yet, this Saturday we have an unprecedented TWO events in one day!

Yes that is correct!

What a way to kick off December! Come out and party holiday style with us!

Starting in the morning at 9:00AM, we will be at the SLC Jingle Bell Run @ Trolley square! Rise and shine early with us, and come help raise money to fight arthritis!

Plus you get to run with Jingle bells... eh? Pretty awesome, right?

Well, come run with us, and you will see! Plus, you run around the charming Liberty Park and Trolley Square. 

Any way you cut it... this is not one you want to miss!

Speaking of races you won't want to miss....

We will be running the Utah Santa Run in Provo Utah later that day at 4:00PM. 

Yep, I will personally be running two races in one day! Why you ask? Because it's the holidays, and they are both that cool (no pun intended). 

In this race, everyone will be dressed as Santa! (Suit is included in entry fee.) And it just wouldn't be right if they didn't have milk and cookie aid stations as well!

Excuse me while I have a holiday joy overload !!!!

So whether you're in SLC or Provo, lace up this Saturday and come run one or both with Greensole Running!

Now onto THE ART.

Well, as most of you probably don't know...the inner workings of Greensole Running are coming along nicely. We now officially have our very own corporate bank account and have entered into the process of filing for 501(c)3 charitable status with the IRS, a process that in all likelihood will take several months... nevertheless progress!

Anyways, the point of all this is that with bank accounts comes money... and with money comes SWAG!

We just ordered mock ups of some potential T-shirts and business cards for GSR!

What do you think of OUR ART?

Business Card Front
Business Card Back
T-shirt Front

T-shirt Back

Tech-T Front

Tech-T Back
Pretty nifty right?

Who knew runners could be so artistic? ;-)

Well, we will reserve judgement until we have them in hand but... WE ARE EXCITED!

Finally, we move onto THE MUSIC!

As some of you probably noticed, we have a new TUNES section on our website. We would love to hear from you! What are your favorite tunes to run to? Let us know, and we will throw them up on our site!

Also on that note, to those of you in the SLC area, Yellowcard and We Are the In Crowd (both bands found on my personal running playlist) will be playing Wednesday, Nov 28th (aka tomorrow) in SLC at The Complex!

So, if you feel like rocking out to some awesome "Beach Rock" music, grab some tix and come rock out with us! We will be there (unofficially, of course, as this is not a real running event), but still come hook up and meet some cool Greensole Runners.

Tickets are about $25 with the service charge and can be bought HERE

With that, I will leave you with a pic of my run today and a little Yellowcard to motivate some running tomorrow.

Devoid of snow... for the time being. Run Because You Can!

Looking forward to having fun with all you Greensole Runners this week,


Saturday, November 24, 2012

STG Running

Good evening GSR,

I just wanted to share a few pictures with you today of beautiful St. George, Utah from the runner's point of view.

Right outside my parents' house in St. George. No Traffic. Warm. Awesome. Well, a little cold at first but really perfect running temperature this morning.

Running up and out of Bloomington, looking at Pine Valley Mountain and the old airport. A great 7.25 mile route we have.

Panoramic view looking north at the top of the run today. Such a beautiful suburban city.

We made it! ... We can see our house. :-)

Running down. Ending the run downhill always makes for a more positive experience.

One of my favorite views in St. George. Bonus points to anyone who knows where this is.

It is so nice outside down here in southern Utah. If you haven't got your run in yet, go lace up and get going. It's too good to miss out on.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey GSR,

I want to wish anyone reading this a happy Thanksgiving.

 I just got back from running my "Thankful 13" with my favorite running partner in the world, my sister Monica! (And, man, does she work me!) As an added bonus, we got to run all around our beautiful hometown of St. George, Utah! Also, what an absolutely gorgeous day. We have so much to be thankful for.

So whether you're walking a Thankful 3 miles or setting a new PR on a Thankful 13 expedition, I want to encourage you all to get out there and take advantage of this awesome opportunity to connect with your family through a little time propelling your feet forward outdoors.

I can't wait pig out, play games, watch some football, and toss a little pigskin around with my family this afternoon!

I am truly grateful for all of your support, friendship, and running!

I owe everything at Greensole Running to you,


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

G.O. H.A.R.D.

Good morning GSR,

This one is a special shout out to my awesome sister Emily. I know how much she loves hugging.

Today is a holiday....well sort of. It is the Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day! (or GO HARD) What is that, you ask? Well it's a global celebration of running and love and our support for each other. This is definitely in line with GSR ideals and we fully support this event!

In order to properly celebrate this day I would encourage all off us to get out today and get our hug on!

What's that? You're a little shy about offering runners hugs... well, lucky for us, we have a little bit of a training guide, thanks to our friends at RUN THE EDGE.

1.  Interval Hugging: Try both long and short intervals and don’t forget to change leads with your hugging partners so everybody gets a chance to set the pace.  We recommend starting with 10 X 40-second hugs with ample recovery.  More experienced huggers may want to cut down on the rest between hugs.
2.  Long Slow Hugs: This should be a staple of your training program.  Set aside time at least once a week to share a hug lasting several minutes.  Up to 20% of your weekly hugging time can be spent in this one hug.  Be sure to choose your LSH partners carefully because this kind of training might scare off newcomers.
3.  Speed Hugging: Don’t overdo this especially in the early months.  Speed training is important but can lead to injury if huggers try to do too much too soon.
4.  Hug Visualization: To be at your best you must prepare mentally.  In order to be ready for anything, make sure to visualize hugging runners of all sizes, genders, ages, and ethnicities.  Unlike in running, we do not recommend hug visualization (HV) while engaged in interval hugging, (IH) speed hugging, (SH) or Long Slow Hugging, (LSH).  Leave hug visualization to moments when you are alone.
5.  Cross Training: Running couples may want to engage in some “cross training” activities.  In fact some of the above workouts (especially the LSH) can lead to cross training.  While not necessary, these activities can add a little spice to the day to day grind.

Sounds like a good plan to me. We don't have much time, so get out there. Let's all share the love of running with some hugs today!

Have a terrific Tuesday,

Lace up and GO GIVE SOME HUGS!


Monday, November 19, 2012

The Mondays!

Hello GSR,

I hope everyone's Monday is just joyfully jogging along. I know thus far, mine's been fantastic!

(Well, with the exception of it is monday, and I would rather be heading home for Thanksgiving...ugh grad school)

Check this out!

What is this you ask? It is my FAV running route...DEVOID OF SNOW! Joy to the world, peace on earth, and good will towards men! I can now run outside again sans frozen toes!

I guess we have a little more warm weather left up here in northern Utah after all!

It literally made my day! So much so that I am now telling you ;-)

Anywho, after running comes school, and that was not without its own events...

Just a little insight into where I spend my days and nights AKA my lab bench

Like joining the One Love Ski/Snowboard Club and getting my ski pass to Canyons!

Look at all the SWAG! Also taken in my lab... this time on my desk

So, if any of you are ski/snowboarders, hit me up, and let's shred the slopes together! (... is that the correct lingo? I'm still pretty new at this :-)

I think it should make a good cross-training activity in winter. So I would encourage everyone to join in on the fun!

OK, finally I have have to show you this... not because it is related to running in anyway. Well, I did find it while running. But look, it's a tractor pulling a leaf-picker-upper.... OK, that sounds less cool than it did in my head. I am completely fascinated by this and I don't know why.

Maybe the straight line it leaves. (Hehe, punny)

Hope you're all having just as good of a day as I am!

I will leave you with this... a little music to brighten your day! They are playing in SLC tonight so if you want to "hang out", buy some tickets and come find me! You know what I look like, but I don't know you, so make sure you say hi!

So lace up, and run because you can.


Sunday, November 18, 2012


Hey GSR!

How about those race pictures? Nice right? Maybe I'll just drop out of grad school and become a photographer.

Today was a rest day. (*tear* See video below about how I feel.) Therefore there are no new runs to talk about, but I will talk about some other stuff... like food. Food is my favorite.

So as my brother (roommate) and I prepare to head home this week for Thanksgiving...

(And see my awesome sistas! *takes a 30 second dance break* )

...we realized that we were running (no pun intended) out of food in the house. We deemed this acceptable as we didn't want to go buy a whole bunch of new food only to see it go bad while we're out of town.

So the "no buy new food" man contract of November 2012 began...

...Only to be rapidly rescinded when we realized that one of these "foods" we were running out of was diet Pepsi. (aka lifeblood / oxygen / running fuel)

After a quick trip to my favorite store...Costco (and only a $30 trip... I deserve a medal for that) we were all set.

Figuring that the man contract had already been voided... I saw no harm in endulging in a little weekly tradition know as SUSHI SUNDAYS!

What is SUSHI SUNDAYS!, you ask? Well, it's where every Sunday, we go out and get sushi. ;-)

Sushi is basically running food, right?

It has become an awesome tradition, and I highly recommend it to all of you! So today I will leave you with another one of my amazing photographs and say...

Lace up and run because you can!


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Freeze Your Cookies Off

Good Afternoon, Runners!

How about this awesome weekend?
For those of you that were out running this morning, WOOT! Way to brave the cold (and rain if you were in Provo).

So, as promised, here are some pictures from our most recent event, this morning's the Freeze Your Cookies Off 5k!

It was a cold but more or less clear morning today. Perfect conditions for a quick hop down to American Fork and a nice brisk run!

Once down there, we speeded through checking and had a little time to kill. One of the few benefits of getting down there so early. So, we went through all of our race goodies and took a few picture with the race setting up in the background.

Pretty cool, right? One more just for good measure. 

After our brief exploration of American Fork and some snooping around the post race buffet tent, we soon began to line up for the race, which, as it turned out, was bigger than I thought, but still a cozy size. It was nice; the race had a very hometown feel to it.

Ready, Set, Run....quickly before you freeze! 

Seen below is a photo taken by me with the race leaders. *pats self on back* I got used to this view pretty quick. The mountains are gorgeous with just a touch of snow. This race was a fun way to reminisce about how I miss living in a neighborhood. Don't get me wrong, I love SLC and the University of Utah area, but I have to say I miss walking out my door and having a prefect running locale devoid of traffic for a little run.

The race started uphill and ended downhill around a park, which was great for two reasons: 1) It was downhill when we were tired at the end. 2) It had a nice long finishing stretch where you could see the finish line and race towards it. I find this final stretch view to be very motivating.... especially when there is a big cookie sign at the end ;-) 

I have to wonder if this was sent to the printer with a order that said *Big Cookie* above with FINISH below. And instead of getting a picture of a big cookie they got this

After our quick running adventure of 3.1 miles, we quickly proceeded to the most awesome thing about this race... The cookie and pie and hot chocolate buffet! It was awesome! Although I'll admit, after running my 3.1 miles, I didn't exactly feel like cookies right away.... but I got there! 

 And it was fantastic with a ton of selection! I like my cookies... Even in the cold and the light rain. It was a awesome way to kick off the morning and a fun little hometown race with a cool premise.

Hope to see you all at our next event, the Utah Santa RUN in provo on December 1st! 

Come run with us dressed up like Santa... with green soles ;-)